Fixposition SDK 0.0.0-heads/main-0-gd0a6ce2
Collection of c++ libraries and apps for use with Fixposition products
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logging.hpp File Reference

Fixposition SDK: Logging. More...

#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>
#include "string.hpp"
#include "time.hpp"
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struct  fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingParams
 Logging parameters. More...


namespace  fpsdk
 Fixposition SDK.
namespace  fpsdk::common
 Fixposition SDK: Common library.
namespace  fpsdk::common::logging


#define IF_TRACE(...)   __VA_ARGS__
 Conditional compilation for non-Release builds.
Printf() style logging

For example: INFO("Hello world, the number is %d", 42);

#define FATAL(...)
 Print a fatal message.
#define ERROR(...)
 Print a error message.
#define WARNING(...)
 Print a warning message.
#define NOTICE(...)
 Print a notice message.
#define INFO(...)
 Print a info message.
#define DEBUG(...)
 Print a debug message.
#define DEBUG_HEXDUMP(data, size, prefix, ...)
 Print a debug hexdump.
#define TRACE(...)
 Print a trace message (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)
#define TRACE_HEXDUMP(data, size, prefix, ...)
 Print a trace hexdump (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)
#define ERROR_THR(millis, ...)
 Print a error message (throttled)
#define WARNING_THR(millis, ...)
 Print a warning message (throttled)
#define NOTICE_THR(millis, ...)
 Print a notice message (throttled)
#define INFO_THR(millis, ...)
 Print a info message (throttled)
#define DEBUG_THR(millis, ...)
 Print a debug message (throttled)
C++ style logging

For example, INFO_S("Hello world, the number is " << 42);

#define FATAL_S(expr)
 Print a fatal message.
#define ERROR_S(expr)
 Print a error message.
#define WARNING_S(expr)
 Print a warning message.
#define DEBUG_S(expr)
 Print a debug message.
#define NOTICE_S(expr)
 Print a notice message.
#define INFO_S(expr)
 Print a info message.
#define TRACE_S(expr)
 Print a trace message (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)


using fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingPrintFunc = void (*)(const LoggingParams&, const LoggingLevel, const char*)
 Custom logging print function signature.


enum class  fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingLevel : int {
  fpsdk::common::logging::FATAL = 2 , fpsdk::common::logging::ERROR = 3 , fpsdk::common::logging::WARNING = 4 , fpsdk::common::logging::NOTICE = 5 ,
  fpsdk::common::logging::INFO = 6 , fpsdk::common::logging::DEBUG = 7 , fpsdk::common::logging::TRACE = 8
 Logging verbosity levels, default is INFO. More...
enum class  fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingColour { fpsdk::common::logging::AUTO = 0 , fpsdk::common::logging::YES , fpsdk::common::logging::NO , fpsdk::common::logging::JOURNAL }
 Logging "colours". More...
enum class  fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingTimestamps { fpsdk::common::logging::NONE = 0 , fpsdk::common::logging::RELATIVE , fpsdk::common::logging::ABSOLUTE }
 Logging timestamps. More...


LoggingLevelfpsdk::common::logging::operator++ (LoggingLevel &level)
 Increase verbosity (pre-increment)
LoggingLevelfpsdk::common::logging::operator-- (LoggingLevel &level)
 Decrease verbosity (pre-decrement)
LoggingLevel fpsdk::common::logging::operator++ (LoggingLevel &level, int)
 Increase verbosity (post-increment)
LoggingLevel fpsdk::common::logging::operator-- (LoggingLevel &level, int)
 Decrease verbosity (post-decrement)
const char * fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingLevelStr (const LoggingLevel level)
 Stringify log level.
bool fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingIsLevel (const LoggingLevel level)
 Check if given level would print.
const char * fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingColourStr (const LoggingColour colour)
 Stringify log level.
const char * fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingTimestampsStr (const LoggingTimestamps timestamps)
 Stringify log level.
LoggingParams fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingSetParams (const LoggingParams &params)
 Configure logging.
LoggingParams fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingGetParams ()
 Get current logging params.
void fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingPrint (const LoggingLevel level, const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_ATTR(2)
 Print a log message.
void fpsdk::common::logging::LoggingHexdump (const LoggingLevel level, const uint8_t *data, const std::size_t size, const char *prefix, const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_ATTR(5)
 Print a hexdump.

Detailed Description

Fixposition SDK: Logging.

* ___    ___
* \  \  /  /
*  \  \/  /   Copyright (c) Fixposition AG ( and contributors
*  /  /\  \   License: see the LICENSE file
* /__/  \__\

Definition in file logging.hpp.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FATAL ( ...)

Print a fatal message.

Definition at line 52 of file logging.hpp.


#define ERROR ( ...)

Print a error message.

Definition at line 56 of file logging.hpp.


#define WARNING ( ...)

Print a warning message.

Definition at line 60 of file logging.hpp.

Referenced by fpsdk::apps::fpltool::FplToolOptions::CheckOptions().


#define NOTICE ( ...)

Print a notice message.

Definition at line 64 of file logging.hpp.


#define INFO ( ...)

Print a info message.

Definition at line 68 of file logging.hpp.


#define DEBUG ( ...)

Print a debug message.

Definition at line 72 of file logging.hpp.

Referenced by fpsdk::apps::fpltool::FplToolOptions::CheckOptions().


#define DEBUG_HEXDUMP ( data,
... )

Print a debug hexdump.

Definition at line 76 of file logging.hpp.


#define TRACE ( ...)

Print a trace message (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)

Definition at line 82 of file logging.hpp.


#define TRACE_HEXDUMP ( data,
... )

Print a trace hexdump (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)

Definition at line 86 of file logging.hpp.


#define ERROR_THR ( millis,
... )

Print a error message (throttled)

Definition at line 95 of file logging.hpp.


#define WARNING_THR ( millis,
... )

Print a warning message (throttled)

Definition at line 99 of file logging.hpp.


#define NOTICE_THR ( millis,
... )

Print a notice message (throttled)

Definition at line 103 of file logging.hpp.


#define INFO_THR ( millis,
... )

Print a info message (throttled)

Definition at line 107 of file logging.hpp.


#define DEBUG_THR ( millis,
... )

Print a debug message (throttled)

Definition at line 111 of file logging.hpp.


#define FATAL_S ( expr)

Print a fatal message.

Definition at line 126 of file logging.hpp.


#define ERROR_S ( expr)

Print a error message.

Definition at line 130 of file logging.hpp.


#define WARNING_S ( expr)

Print a warning message.

Definition at line 134 of file logging.hpp.


#define DEBUG_S ( expr)

Print a debug message.

Definition at line 138 of file logging.hpp.


#define NOTICE_S ( expr)

Print a notice message.

Definition at line 142 of file logging.hpp.


#define INFO_S ( expr)

Print a info message.

Definition at line 146 of file logging.hpp.


#define TRACE_S ( expr)

Print a trace message (only debug builds, compiled out in release builds)

Definition at line 152 of file logging.hpp.


#define IF_TRACE ( ...)    __VA_ARGS__

Conditional compilation for non-Release builds.

Definition at line 161 of file logging.hpp.