106 std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> t0_;
123 RosTime(
const uint32_t sec,
const uint32_t nsec);
472 GloTime(
const int N4,
const int Nt,
const double TOD);
498 UtcTime(
const int year,
const int month,
const int day,
const int hour,
const int min,
const double sec);
678 static Time FromClockTai();
Duration & operator+=(const int64_t nsec)
Add nanoseconds to durationn.
bool operator!=(const Duration &rhs) const
Not equal.
bool AddNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Add nanoseconds to duration.
Duration & operator+=(const double sec)
Add seconds to duration.
bool SetSecNSec(const int32_t sec, const int32_t nsec)
Set duration from seconds and nanoseconds.
Duration operator+(const double sec) const
Sum duration and seconds.
Duration operator*(double scale) const
Multiply (scale) duration.
Duration & operator-=(const int64_t nsec)
Subtract nanoseconds from duration.
static Duration FromSecNSec(const int32_t sec, const int32_t nsec)
Make Duration from seconds and nanoseconds.
int32_t sec_
Seconds part of duration.
static Duration FromNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Make Duration from nanoseconds.
bool IsZero() const
Check if duration is zero.
Duration operator-(const Duration &rhs) const
Subtract duration and duration.
bool SubDur(const Duration &dur)
Substract duration from duration.
bool operator<=(const Duration &rhs) const
Smaller or equal than.
void Sleep() const
Sleep for the duration (if > 0)
Constructor, zero duration.
Duration & operator*=(double scale)
Multiply (scale) duration.
Duration & operator-=(const Duration &rhs)
Subtract duration from duration.
std::chrono::nanoseconds GetChronoNano() const
Get duration as std::chrono::nanoseconds.
bool SetSec(const double sec)
Set duration from seconds.
std::chrono::milliseconds GetChronoMilli() const
Get duration as std::chrono::milliseconds.
double GetSec(const int prec=9) const
Get duration as seconds.
Duration operator-(const double sec) const
Subtract duration and seconds.
bool AddDur(const Duration &dur)
Add duration to duration.
int64_t GetNSec() const
Get duration as nanoseconds.
bool SubSec(const double sec)
Substract seconds from duration.
bool operator>(const Duration &rhs) const
Greater than.
Duration operator-(const int64_t nsec) const
Subtract duration and nanoseconds.
bool AddSec(const double sec)
Add seconds to duration.
Duration & operator+=(const Duration &rhs)
Add duration to duration.
int32_t nsec_
Nanoseconds part of duration (should be in range 0-999999999)
bool Scale(const double sec)
Scale (multiply) duration.
Duration operator+(const Duration &rhs) const
Sum duration and duration.
std::string Stringify(const int prec=3) const
Stringify duration, for debugging.
Duration operator+(const int64_t nsec) const
Sum duration and nanoseconds.
bool SetNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Set duration from nanoseconds.
Duration operator-() const
Reverse sign.
bool SubNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Substract nanoseconds from duration.
static Duration FromSec(const double sec)
Make Duration from seconds.
bool operator==(const Duration &rhs) const
Duration & operator-=(const double sec)
Subtract seconds from durationn.
bool operator>=(const Duration &rhs) const
Greater or equal than.
bool operator<(const Duration &rhs) const
Smaller than.
Helper to measure wallclock time.
Duration Toc() const
Get elapsed wallclock time.
void Tic()
(Re-)start measurement
UtcTime GetUtcTime(const int prec=9) const
Get time as UTC time (UTC)
bool SetTai(const time_t tai)
Set time from TAI time (CLOCK_TAI)
double GetDayOfYear(const int prec=12) const
Get day of year.
Time operator-(const Duration &rhs) const
Subtract time and duration.
bool SetUtcTime(const UtcTime &utctime)
Set time from UTC time (UTC)
std::string StrUtcTime(const int prec=3) const
Stringify as year, month, day, hour, minute and second time (UTC)
Time & operator+=(const int64_t nsec)
Add nanoseconds to time.
static Time FromSec(const double sec)
From seconds (atomic)
bool SetClockRealtime()
Set time from system clock current (now) system time (CLOCK_REALTIME)
Time operator+(const Duration &rhs) const
Sum time and duration.
time_t GetPosix() const
Get time as POSIX time (POSIX)
Time & operator+=(const double sec)
Add seconds to time.
bool operator<=(const Time &rhs) const
Smaller or equal than.
static Time FromTai(const time_t tai)
From TAI time (CLOCK_TAI)
static const Time MIN
Minimum representable time.
GloTime GetGloTime(const int prec=9) const
Get time as GLONASS time (UTC + 3h)
static Time FromNSec(const uint64_t nsec)
Time from nanoseconds (atomic)
static const Time ZERO
Zero (invalid, uninitialised) time.
RosTime GetRosTime() const
Get time as ROS time (POSIX)
std::string StrWnoTow(const WnoTow::Sys sys=WnoTow::Sys::GPS, const int prec=3) const
Stringify as GNSS time (atomic)
static Time FromRosTime(const RosTime &rostime)
From ROS time (POSIX)
uint32_t nsec_
Nanoseconds part of time (should be in range 0-999999999)
static Time FromPosix(const std::time_t posix)
From POSIX time (POSIX)
std::chrono::milliseconds GetChronoMilli() const
Get time as std::chrono::duration (milliseconds since epoch) (POSIX)
Constructor, empty (invalid) time.
bool SetSec(const double sec)
Set time from seconds (atomic)
bool IsZero() const
Check if time is zero (invalid)
Time & operator-=(const int64_t nsec)
Subtract nanoseconds from time.
std::chrono::nanoseconds GetChronoNano() const
Get time as std::chrono::nanoseconds (nanoseconds since epoch) (POSIX)
bool SetGloTime(const GloTime &glotime)
Set time from GLONASS time (UTC + 3h)
bool SubDur(const Duration &dur)
Substract duration from time.
bool SetPosix(const time_t posix)
Set time from POSIX time (POSIX)
Duration operator-(const Time &rhs) const
Subtract time and time.
bool operator>(const Time &rhs) const
Greater than.
Time & operator-=(const Duration &rhs)
Subtract duration from time.
uint32_t sec_
Seconds part of time (atomic seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
static Time FromUtcTime(const UtcTime &utctime)
From UTC time (UTC)
static Time FromGloTime(const GloTime &glotime)
From GLONASS time (UTC + 3h)
bool SubSec(const double sec)
Substract seconds from time.
Time operator+(const int64_t nsec) const
Sum time and nanoseconds.
bool AddSec(const double sec)
Add seconds to time.
time_t GetTai() const
Get time as TAI time (CLOCK_TAI)
bool AddNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Add nanoseconds to time.
bool SubNSec(const int64_t nsec)
Substract nanoseconds from time.
bool operator<(const Time &rhs) const
Smaller than.
static Time FromSecNSec(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t nsec)
Time from seconds and nanoseconds (atomic)
bool Diff(const Time &other, Duration &diff) const
Calculate difference between times.
bool SetSecNSec(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t nsec)
Set time from seconds and nanoseconds (atomic)
Time & operator-=(const double sec)
Subtract seconds from time.
uint64_t GetNSec() const
Get time as nanoseconds (atomic)
static Time FromWnoTow(const WnoTow &wnotow)
From GNSS time (atomic)
Time operator-(const double sec) const
Subtract time and seconds.
static Time FromClockRealtime()
From system clock current (now) system time (CLOCK_REALTIME)
Time & operator+=(const Duration &rhs)
Add duration to time.
bool SetRosTime(const RosTime &rostime)
Set time from ROS time (POSIX)
bool AddDur(const Duration &dur)
Add duration to time.
bool operator==(const Time &rhs) const
static const Time MAX
Maximum representable time.
bool operator>=(const Time &rhs) const
Greater or equal than.
bool SetNSec(const uint64_t nsec)
Set time from nanoseconds (atomic)
Time operator-(const int64_t nsec) const
Subtract time and nanoseconds.
bool SetWnoTow(const WnoTow &wnotow)
Set time from GNSS (GPS, Galileo, BeiDou) time (atomic)
bool operator!=(const Time &rhs) const
Not equal.
double GetSec(const int prec=9) const
Get time as seconds (atomic)
WnoTow GetWnoTow(const WnoTow::Sys sys=WnoTow::Sys::GPS, const int prec=9) const
Get time as GNSS (GPS, Galileo, BeiDou) time (atomic)
std::string StrIsoTime(const int prec=0) const
Stringify as ISO 8601 time (UTC)
Time operator+(const double sec) const
Sum time and seconds.
static constexpr int SEC_IN_MIN_I
static constexpr double SEC_IN_MIN_D
Number of seconds in a minute (double)
static constexpr int SEC_IN_WEEK_I
Number of seconds in a week (integer)
static constexpr double SEC_IN_WEEK_D
Number of seconds in a week (double)
uint64_t GetMillis()
Get milliseconds [ms], monotonic time.
static constexpr int SEC_IN_DAY_I
Number of seconds in a day (integer)
static constexpr double SEC_IN_HOUR_D
Number of seconds in an hour (double)
static constexpr double SEC_IN_DAY_D
Number of seconds in a day (double)
double GetSecs()
Get seconds [s], monotonic time.
static constexpr int SEC_IN_HOUR_I
Number of seconds in an hour (integer)
GloTime(const int N4, const int Nt, const double TOD)
int Nt_
Day in four-year interval, valid range: 1-1461.
double TOD_
Time of day (in Москва time zone) [s].
int N4_
Four-year interval, 1=1996..1999, 2=2000..2003, ..., valid range: 1-...
Minimal ros::Time() / rplcpp::Time implementation (that doesn't throw)
bool operator==(const RosTime &rhs) const
RosTime(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t nsec)
uint32_t nsec_
Nanoseconds part of time (should be in range 0-999999999)
uint32_t sec_
Seconds part of time.
double ToSec() const
Convert to seconds.
bool IsZero() const
Check if time is zero (invalid, unset)
UtcTime(const int year, const int month, const int day, const int hour, const int min, const double sec)
GNSS atomic time representation: week number (wno) and time of week (tow) used by GPS,...
double tow_
Time of week [s] (0.0-603'799.999..)
int wno_
Week number [-] (>= 0)
GPS (also: SBAS, QZSS)
Galileo system time (GST)
WnoTow(const Sys sys=Sys::GPS)
WnoTow(const int wno, const double tow, const Sys sys=Sys::GPS)
const char * SysStr() const
Stringify time system (for debugging)