enum class | Which { UNSPECIFIED
} |
| Data from which FP_A-...IMU is stored. More...
Which | which = Which::UNSPECIFIED |
| Indicates from which message the data is.
FpaGpsTime | gps_time |
| Time.
FpaFloat3 | pos |
| Position, X/Y/Z components.
FpaFloat4 | orientation |
| Quaternion, W/X/Y/Z components.
FpaFloat3 | vel |
| Velocity, X/Y/Z components.
FpaFloat3 | rot |
| Bias corrected angular velocity, X/Y/Z components.
FpaFloat3 | acc |
| Bias corrected acceleration, X/Y/Z components.
FpaFusionStatusLegacy | fusion_status |
| Fustion status.
FpaImuStatusLegacy | imu_bias_status |
| IMU bias status.
FpaGnssFix | gnss1_fix |
| Fix status of GNSS1 receiver.
FpaGnssFix | gnss2_fix |
| Fix status of GNSS2 receiver.
FpaWsStatusLegacy | wheelspeed_status |
| Wheelspeed status.
FpaFloat6 | pos_cov |
| Position covariance, XX/YY/ZZ/XY/YZ/XZ components.
FpaFloat6 | orientation_cov |
| Orientation covariance, XX/YY/ZZ/XY/YZ/XZ components.
FpaFloat6 | vel_cov |
| Velocity covariance, XX/YY/ZZ/XY/YZ/XZ components.
char | version [100] = { 0 } |
| Version.
bool | valid_ = false |
| Payload successfully decoded (true), or not (yet) decoded (false)
FP_A-ODOMENU (version 1) messages payload (ENU0)
Definition at line 790 of file fpa.hpp.