Fixposition SDK 0.0.0-heads/main-0-g7b59b93
Collection of c++ libraries and apps for use with Fixposition products
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NfpsdkFixposition SDK
 NappsFixposition SDK: Apps
 CFplToolOptionsProgram options
 NcommonFixposition SDK: Common library
 NappUtilities for apps
 CProgramOptionsProgram options
 COptionA program option
 CSigIntHelperHelper to catch SIGINT (CTRL-c)
 CStacktraceHelperHelper to print a strack trace on SIGSEGV and SIGABRT
 Nfpl.fpl logfile utilities
 CFplFileReaderRead log messages from logfile
 CFplMessageOne message in the log
 CFplParserLogfile parser
 CLogMetaHelper for extracting meta data
 CLogStatusHelper for extracting recording status data
 CRosMsgBinHelper for extracting a serialised ROS message
 CRosMsgDefHelper for extracting ROS message definition (the relevant fields from the "connection header")
 CStreamMsgHelper for extracting data of a stream message (NMEA, RTCM3, etc.)
 CLoggingParamsLogging parameters
 NmathMath utilities
 NpathFile and path utilities
 COutputFileOutput file handle
 NstringString utilities
 NthreadThread helpers
 CBinarySemaphoreA binary semaphore, useful for thread synchronisation
 CThreadHelper class for handling threads
 NtimeTime utilities
 CRosTimeMinimal ros::Time() / rplcpp::Time implementation (that doesn't throw)
 NtrafoTransformation utilities
 CTransformer"Universal" coordinate transformer, backed by PROJ
 NtypesCommon types
 NyamlYAML utilities
 Nros1Fixposition SDK: ROS1 library
 NbagwriterROS1 bag writer
 CBagWriterROS1 bag writer helper
 NutilsROS1 utilities
 Nros2Fixposition SDK: ROS2 library
 NutilsROS2 utilities